Residence Hall Medical Accommodations

Saint Elizabeth University recognizes that some students who wish to reside in campus housing have significant medical/health problems that may require special housing accommodations. Such issues may include systemic disorders; mental health issues; and/or the use of specialized medical equipment.

In recognizing such student needs, SEU has reserved a limited number of residence hall spaces for medical accommodations. Those rooms will be assigned only upon the specific request of a student having a disability which requires assignment to a single room, as opposed to the typical double room assignment (two students to one room) on a priority basis with consideration given to the severity of the medical needs.

The assignment of medical residence hall rooms will be made by the Coordinator of Accessibility Services in coordination with the Director of Residence Life (and in consultation with the Director of Health or Counseling Services, if deemed necessary).

SEU reserves the right to require a second opinion to confirm the diagnosis and/or treatment plan. SEU also reserves the right to determine that a student's health condition and/or behavior is of a severity that precludes the student's ability to remain a resident of SEU.

To begin an application for a single medical room, please click on this  Special Housing Request Form. The student is required to have their licensed physical/mental health professional complete the Special Housing Request Physician Form This must be attached with supporting documentation to the Housing Request Form. Forms must be uploaded to the jotform  or sent to the Office of Accessibility Services by July 1st. 

For returning students please fill out the Special Housing Renewal Form by March 22  to request a renewal of your medical single for the year (starting in the fall semester). No further documentation is needed unless your circumstances have changed. Late requests may result in your room being returned to the list of available rooms for students on the waiting list or for incoming students with disabilities. 

If a single medical room is assigned to a student based upon medical documentation supplied to Accessibility Services , SEU will waive the single room rate, and the student will be charged at the double occupancy rate. When a student is assigned to a medical single room, SEU expects that the student will be receiving treatment from a licensed physical/mental health professional for the medical condition for which the medical room was granted. Further, it is expected that the student's primary health care provider will consult with appropriate SEU health or counseling professionals.

In those instances in which a student requests and receives permission for air conditioning, a humidifier, or air cleaner in a residence hall room, based upon documented medical/health problems, SEU is responsible for supplying and installing the unit.

Note: All requests for medical rooms and/or air conditioning, when granted, are for the academic year, and must be requested for the following academic year based upon the above guidelines.

Emotional Support Animal/Service Animal

Emotional Support Animal 

  • An emotional support animal is an animal that provides relief to individuals with psychiatric disability through companionship. 

Emotional Support Animal Documentation


  • Before students  begin their request it is important to know the steps to request an Emotional Support Animal. Please click on this form to learn about  Steps to an Emotional Support Animal with relevant links. Please note that the student’s Emotional Support Animal will NOT be allowed on campus until all steps are completed and the student has an email of approval followed by an agreement signed by the student, Accessibility Services, Security and the Director of Residence Life.
  • Please note, a disabled student must register with the Office of Accessibility Services providing documentation of disability as per the College's disability documentation requirements (see student handbook and/or College website). Documentation must contain a clear explanation of the need for the specific type of Emotional Support Animal.


  • A faculty member who is disabled and requires a service animal must register with the College's Office of Human Resources. Such notification should indicate that the faculty member has registered with the College's Office of Accessibility Services and provided the latter office with appropriate documentation of disability that also indicates a disability related need for the service animal and explains the services to be provided by the service animal.


  • A visitor does not have to register with or provide documentation to the Office of Accessibility Services, but must report to Campus Security who will provide the visitor with a copy of this policy.


  • Licensing – the animal must meet all of the licensing requirements of the community in which the animal resides and wear, at all times, the community's required tags.
  • Health Records – The animal must have, and the disabled individual must provide to the Office of Accessibility Services, a health statement that includes a record of vaccinations from a licensed veterinarian dated within the last calendar year. Such vaccinations and proof of vaccinations must be provided to the Office of Accessibility Services on an annual basis. The animal must be well groomed, and measures should be taken by the owner for flea and odor control. The animal's owner must be considerate of other members of the college community when providing maintenance and hygiene assistance to the animal.