Tribute/Memorial Gifts

Tribute Gifts

Gifts to Saint Elizabeth University may be made in tribute of a living person or a special event in the life of a loved one.

Many choose to honor a particular faculty member, classmate, their parents or friends - anyone who has inspired them, challenged them, and helped them to grow. Others pay tribute to birthdays, anniversaries, and many other special occasions. Just be sure to indicate the full name of the person you wish to pay tribute to and the University will notify them of your kindness.

Tribute gifts are listed in SEU's Annual Report.

Memorial Gifts

Gifts to the University may also be made in memory of a deceased person who has affected the life of the donor. Memorial gifts are a beautiful and loving way to honor a loved one. Please indicate the full name and address of the person you would like us to notify of your gift.

Memorial gifts are listed in SEU's Annual Report.

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