Who, Why and How

Who Gives

It takes gifts from thousands of individuals and corporations to reach the Annual Fund goal each year.

We are proud to say that our SEU alumni are a major factor in the success of the Annual Fund at a 12 percent participation rate. Additionally, contributors to the Annual Fund include members of the Board of Trustees, parents of alumni, friends of the University, and corporations/foundations.

Why Give

Every aspect of student life at SEU – first and foremost, current-year scholarship relief, plus classroom experience, student activities and athletics – benefits from the budgetary relief the Annual Fund provides.

Your gift to the Annual Fund is a measure of your continued confidence in the vital mission and ministry of this community of learning, and an investment in quality education for our students now and in the future.

As one alum said:

"How can we influence the way the world looks and works in future generations? By supporting those institutions that reinforce and influence ethical, moral, intellectual, and social values on a global scale. Who does it better than SEU?"

There are many different reasons donors give to the SEU annual fund. Some give because they appreciate the tremendous educational experience they had during their years here. Some give to carry on the legacy of alumni support they received and wish to give back so that others may be afforded the same opportunities.

Others give because they have been personally affected by a particular faculty member or University program. And still others give because they have seen how the SEU experience has positively influenced the life of a loved one.

Rates of participation among alumni, faculty, staff, administration, and Trustees are key indicators to potential grant makers and their funding decisions. Participation rates are used to measure the level of commitment by the people most closely related to the University. The stronger our participation rates, the better our chances of obtaining the needed grants we apply for.

Ways to Give

There are many ways of contributing to Saint Elizabeth University. Some forms of giving can provide immediate income tax deductions for the donor, estate tax benefits for heirs and/or life income for donors and other beneficiaries.

Please note: The purpose of this document is to provide general information only. For specific applications, please consult your legal or financial advisors.