Acceptable Use Policy

Contact Information

Office of Information Technology


Mahoney Library, 1st Floor
Morristown, NJ 07960-6989

Phone: (973) 290-4015

Office Hours:
M-F: 8:30am-5pm

Access IT Knowledge Base

For Moodle assistance, please contact Moodle Help at (973) 290-4044 or submit a help request.

Equipment Reservation
For assistance with equipment setups and reservations, please contact Student Tech Assistants at (973) 290-4022 or email

Saint Elizabeth University's computing, communication, and information resources are owned by the University and shared by the campus community of faculty, students, and staff. The primary purpose of these resources is to support teaching and learning, the central focus of the University's purpose.

Access to the University's computing, communication, and information resources is a privilege that may be withdrawn if an employee or student misuses these resources. Users of the University's computing, communication, and information resources must understand that there is no expectation of privacy in their use; that while the University does not routinely monitor student or employee use of the Internet, email, voice transmissions by telephone or mobile phone, TXT messaging, instant messaging, voice mail, etc., it reserves the right to access communications and other data using University hardware, software, and information systems for its legitimate business or academic purposes.

Consistent with Saint Elizabeth University's mission and values, it is expected that the University's computing, communication, and information resources are accessed and used in an ethical manner, respecting the rights and privacy of others. The resources should be used for legitimate academic and administrative purposes. Users should adhere to high moral, legal, and professional standards as they use the University's information systems.

This Acceptable Use Policy is a guide to the acceptable use of computing, communication, and information resources of Saint Elizabeth University; responsibilities of users; and administration of this policy. The computing, communication, and information resources, otherwise referred to as "information systems", include data (files, email, text messages, voice mail), records, software applications, storage media, networks, voice communications, video and multimedia systems, and other computer equipment.

This Acceptable Use Policy is not intended to abridge academic freedom, constitutional guarantees of free speech, or freedom of expression. The use of information technology resources is available to all members of the SEU community. While the rights of academic freedom and intellectual creativity are recognized, the interests of the University, students, faculty, and staff must be protected. In addition to consideration of legal liability issues, the institutional image and reputation of SEU are valuable assets requiring protection.


  • Users are responsible for the safeguarding of their account username and password and should use them only for legitimate academic or administrative purposes. Users are responsible for all transactions and activities made from their account or data jack.
  • Users are responsible for the protection of Saint Elizabeth University information systems and for the protection of the accuracy, integrity, and confidentiality of their information.
  • Users are responsible for compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, including those that govern copyrighted material, when using SEU information systems.
  • Users are responsible for the respect of license and contractual agreements that involve SEU's information systems, including those that regulate software use.
  • Users are responsible for compliance with the policies and procedures of the Office of Information Technology.
  • Users are expected to refrain from actions that would disrupt or interfere with the availability of SEU information systems to all legitimate users.
  • Users are responsible for the maintenance of current hardware and software configurations of SEU-owned information systems and are not permitted to make unauthorized changes to them. The deployment of University-owned desktop computers and associated equipment is the responsibility of the Office of Information Technology. This equipment cannot be taken home, relocated or reassigned without prior approval of the Office of Information Technology.
  • Users are expected to act responsibly and ethically when using SEU information systems and should refrain from conduct that can be characterized as harassing, obscene, or a nuisance.
  • Users are responsible for the use of SEU information systems in support of teaching/learning, research, and service; they may not use them for commercial purposes or in any manner that may hinder academic or administrative use.
  • University faculty and staff are responsible for ensuring that all technology purchases are channeled through the Office of Information Technology. Following this centralized purchasing model reduces costs, ensures compatibility with existing hardware/software, and guarantees that the IT Department will be able to support the equipment post-purchase. This also applies to technology purchases using grant funds or restricted departmental funds. Suspected violations are to be immediately directed to the Chief Information Officer (CIO), who will then involve the appropriate Dean or departmental head to determine the necessary action required.

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