System Status

This page provides an up-to-date status of the major applications and whether they are not available (red), work in progress (orange) or available (green).

Any application will not be turned to green until all components of the application are working.

We appreciate your patience.

  • Adobe Creative Suite
    Please use your email address to log in.
  • ADP
  • Akademos Virtual Bookstore
  • Asset Essentials (School Dude)
  • Baseline
  • Digication (E-Portfolio)
  • Dynamics Great Plains
  • Gmail and Google Workspace Applications
  • IASystem Course Evaluation
  • IT Help Desk (School Dude)
  • Microsoft 365 (Office 365)
    Please use your email address to log in.
  • Moodle
    New Link:
  • MyDocsOnline
  • OCLC Worldshare for Mahoney Library
  • PowerCampus
  • PowerCampus Self-Service
    New Link:
  • PowerFAIDS
  • Raiser’s Edge NXT
  • SQL Reporting
    New link in Internet Explorer for SQL Reports:
  • TechGuard Security Learning Management System
  • Titanium